We wish you a memorable and spiritual visit!
If you are new to this area or are visiting for the first time, we welcome you and hope you will be blessed by our loving fellowship and feel a part of the family!
About Us
The Assembly of Called-Out Believers is a Messianic havurah (חבורה Hebrew: “fellowship”) of Jews, Gentiles and Christians who have been “called-out” of man-made religion and seek to testify to the Truth in Love without adding to or subtracting from the Word of God. We believe there is only one God and have accepted that Yeshua (who most of the world know as Jesus) was the “prophet like unto Moshe” (Messiah ben Yoseph) mentioned by YHVH in Deut. 18:18 and believe that he will also return as the promised Anointed One (Messiah ben Davd) from God our Father. We have come together to worship the One true God of Israel as one people, redeemed by his outstretched arm, and united in His character of love, and desire to follow His Torah instruction and example of Love in every facet of our lives!
WE ARE a worldwide “set-apart” organic movement of the Ruach Hakodesh, as Truth-seekers being lead by the Spirit of Truth.
WE ARE NOT a part of organized religion or a part of the false religious systems that teach false doctrines.
We welcome anyone that wants to learn more about the Hebrew Roots of their faith to join us. Come discover your Divine identity, purpose and destiny in a loving fellowship where Torah truth is taught upon a foundation of love and unity!

Our Name
Click here to read about the deep scriptural significance of our name.
Our Shabbat Fellowships are worldwide in different private locations. Click here for our U.S. mailing address or contact us to get connected to a congregation or home fellowship near you!
Service Times
Our shabbat services starts at 10am and goes to 12:30pm at which time we invite all to get to know one another better over lunch.
In the afternoon at 1:30pm we have a 1 hour class teaching how to interpret prophecy with a Hebraic mindset.
At 2:30 we have a class exploring the lesser known books of the Dead Sea scrolls.
What to Expect
Our style of worship and study is an organic mixture of family closeness with good teachings and opportunity for interaction and questions. We have no formal dress code but believe we should dress with respect to the Creator of the Universe and we are seeking to draw near to him and glorify Him in all that we do and say. Our speech and interaction with others is always uplifting and loving. We welcome those with families and children and have a wonderful childrens class available during the main service time available for all ages.
Click here for a more detailed overview of our order of service and what to expect.

What We Believe
Read about our beliefs by clicking here
As we are solely supported by your love offerings,
if you have been blessed by this website or one of our video teachings,
please consider supporting this ministry for the continued spread of Truth
by donating to http://paypal.me/calledoutbelievers
Thank you!
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