This is a little overview of some of our Outreach and Ministries.  We believe that serving God is truly lived out in serving others and seeking to bless all His children!

Prayer Ministry

Intercessory Prayer Each week on Shabbat we have a segment in our service called “Family Time” where we share one another’s burdens, prayer requests, answered prayers, as well as our testimonies and praises!  We also have a weekly Prayer Meeting on Thursdays at 6pm where we life up all the prayer requests that are sent to…


Radio Shows with Rabbi Isaac Two Sticks Roundtable Radio Show (10 Episodes) The Two Sticks Round Table Radio Show is hosted by Gene Porter, Isaac Heckman and John Boyd who discuss the current great awakening happening with the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel while addressing the different topics pertaining to their return to…

Family Ministry

We love our families, young and old and have many gatherings that encourage strengthening each other as one eternal family!

Men’s Ministry

Come experience our wonderful men’s group where you can be strengthened in your faith and grow in Godly character! Men’s Breakfast Focus Sharing Encouragement Prayer Brainstorming   Hope to see you there!

Women’s Ministry

Benefits of joining a Woman’s Group: • Women speak a woman’s language. All women don’t communicate the same way, but there are some consistencies that help us speak and listen to women in ways many men don’t understand. • Women share woman stuff with women. We might not share something intimate every time we’re together,…

Restoration Ministry

We join many other faithful brothers and sisters around the world working together toward God’s Glorious Restoration of all things!  Our focus is primarily on the following areas of Restoration: Restoring the Truth about God’s Character – Selfless Love Restoring the Truth about God’s Word – Torah Restoring the Truth about God’s People – The Prophesied Restoration of the Whole…

Global Tikkun Olam

Learn the Hebrew Words for Loving Kindness and Worldwide Humanitarian Missions… Chesed – Hebrew for acts of loving-kindness . Tikkun Olam – A Hebrew phrase (pronounced tee-KOON oh-LUHM) meaning “world repair.” This Jewish concept is defined by acts of kindness performed to perfect or repair the world. The phrase is found in the Mishnah, a body…

Come out of Babylon Ministry

It is our privilege to be called to help facilitate Yah’s peoples exodus out of the false Babylonian system that permeates every aspect of our existence today and secretly re-enslaving God’s people He has already delivered!  Revelation 18:4 calls to all God’s people in a loving warning saying, “Come out of her My people, so…