'Torah' tagged sermons

#41 Parashah “Pinchas” with Torah & Haftarah video studies

(This Torah Teaching is for Shabbat of July 27th, 2024)(Donate and support this Ministry by clicking here) Torah: Numbers 25:9 – 30:1Haftarah: I Kings 18:46 – 19:1 Pin’has (פִּינְחָס‎)— Hebrew for “Phinehas,” a name, the sixth word in the parashah and is the 41st weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה‎, parashah) in the annual cycle of Torah reading. It constitutes Numbers 25:10–30:1 Torah Parsha Pinchas Summary Numbers 25:9…

Chukat red heifer

#39 Torah Parsha Chukat with Torah and Haftarah study videos

Parashah Chukkat from Numbers 19:1–22:1 sets out the laws of corpse contamination (tumat hamet) and purification with the water of lustration prepared with the Red Cow (פָרָה אֲדֻמָּה‎, parah adumah, also called the “Red Heifer”), and reports the deaths of Miriam and Aaron, the failure of Moses at the Waters of Meribah, and the conquest of Arad, the Amorites, and Bashan.


#38 Torah Parasha Korach with Torah and Haftarah study videos

(This Torah Teaching is for Shabbat of July 6th, 2025)(Donate and support this Ministry by clicking here) Torah: Numbers 16:1-18:32Haftarah: 1 Samuel 11:14-12:22 Korach (קֹרַח‎)— Hebrew for the name “Korah,” which in turn means “baldness, ice, hail, or frost,” and has a connotation of Korah without a covering as he coveted the Priest’s position as his covering and thereby…


#37 Torah Parashah Sh’lach L’kha with Torah and Haftarah video studies

(This Torah Teaching is for the Shabbat of June 29th, 2024)(Donate and support this Ministry by clicking here) Sh’lah L’kha (שְׁלַח-לְךָ‎) — Hebrew for “send”, “send to you”, or “send for yourself”) is the 37th weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה‎, parashah) in the annual cycle of Torah reading and the fourth in the Book of Numbers…


#36 Torah Parsha B’ha’alotkha with Torah and Haftarah video studies

Parashah B’ha’alotkha covers Numbers 8:1–12:16 and tells of the Menorah in the Tabernacle, the consecration of the Levites, the Second Passover, how a cloud and fire led the Israelites, the silver trumpets, how the Israelites set out on their journeys, complaining by the Israelites, and how Miriam and Aaron questioned Moses.

#34 Parashah Bamidbar with Torah and Haftarah video studies

Teaching For Shabbat of June 8th, 2024(Donate and support this Ministry by clicking here) Torah: Numbers 1:1–4:20Haftarah: Hosea 2:1-22 B’midbar (בְּמִדְבַּר‎)— Hebrew for “in the wilderness of” [Sinai], the fifth overall and first distinctive word in the parashah), often called Bamidbar is the 34th weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה‎, parasha) in the annual cycle of Torah reading and…


#31 Parsha Emor with Torah and Haftarah video studies

Torah parsha Emor (אֱמֹר‎) is from Leviticus 21:1–24:23 and Hebrew for “speak,” and is the 31st weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה‎, parsha) in the annual cycle of Torah readings and instructs us in the purity rules for priests (כֹּהֲנִים‎, Kohanim), as well as recounts the holy days, provides for lights and bread in the sanctuary, and tells the story of a blasphemer and his punishment.

Torah Parsha Tzav

#25 – Parashah Tzav with Torah and Haftarah video studies about the Priesthood

This week the Torah Parashah and Haftarah both focus on the Priesthood… Teaching For Shabbat of March 30th, 2024 (Donate and support this Ministry by clicking here) Torah: Leviticus 6:1–8:36Haftarah: Jeremiah 7:21-28; 9:22-23 Tzav (צַו‎) — Hebrew for “command,” the sixth word in the parsha) is the 25th weekly Torah portion in the annual cycle of Torah…