Torah Parsha Ki Tetzei Summary
Deuteronomy 21:10–25:19
This Torah Portion focuses on all the laws that deal with HONORING ALL LIFE where ever “you go”. Seventy-four of the Torah’s 613 commandments (mitzvot) are in this parashah dealing with honoring others and all life forms. These include the laws of the beautiful captive, the inheritance rights of the firstborn, the wayward and rebellious son, burial and dignity of the dead, returning a lost object, sending away the mother bird before taking her young, the duty to erect a safety fence around the roof of one’s home, and the various forms of kilayim (forbidden plant and animal hybrids). Also recounted are the judicial procedures and penalties for adultery, for the rape or seduction of an unmarried girl, and for a husband who falsely accuses his wife of infidelity. The following cannot marry a person of Jewish lineage: a mamzer (someone born from an adulterous or incestuous relationship); a male of Moabite or Ammonite descent; a first- or second-generation Edomite or Egyptian. Our Parshah also includes laws governing the purity of the military camp; the prohibition against turning in an escaped slave; the duty to pay a worker on time, and to allow anyone working for you—man or animal—to “eat on the job”; the proper treatment of a debtor, and the prohibition against charging interest on a loan; the laws of divorce (from which are also derived many of the laws of marriage); the penalty of thirty-nine lashes for transgression of a Torah prohibition; and the procedures for yibbum(“levirate marriage”) of the wife of a deceased childless brother, or chalitzah (“removing of the shoe”) in the case that the brother-in-law does not wish to marry her. Ki Teitzei concludes with the obligation to remember “what Amalek did to you on the road, on your way out of Egypt.”NEW DVAR TORAH STUDIES FOR DEEPER UNDERSTANDING…
For further Torah study on parashah “Ki Tetzei”, please enjoy the latest illustrated Dvar Torah video teaching below… Listen and learn from Rabbi Isaac as he takes your understanding to an even deeper level! Enjoy and be blessed!ADVANCED KI TETZEI DVAR TORAH
Torah for your Children…
For a simple cartoon summary of the Torah parashah for your children we recommend the following video below created by G-dcast:Haftarah
Isaiah 54:1-10
This week’s haftorah is the fifth of a series of seven “Haftarot of Consolation.” These seven haftarot commence on the Shabbat following Tisha b’Av and continue until Rosh Hashanah. Some writers assert that Isaiah was a vegetarian, on the basis of passages in the Book of Isaiah that extol nonviolence and honor and reverence for all life, such as Isaiah 1:11, 11:6-9, 65:25, and 66:3. Some of these writers refer to “the vegetarian Isaiah”,[15] “the notorious vegetarian Isaiah”,[16] and “Isaiah, the vegetarian prophet”.[17] In this Haftarah, Isaiah relates that forsaken Jerusalem is likened to a barren woman devoid of children. God enjoins her to rejoice, for the time will soon come when the Jewish nation will return and proliferate, repopulating Israel‘s once desolate cities. The prophet assures the Jewish people that God has not forsaken them. Although He has momentarily hid His countenance from them, He will gather them from their exiles with great mercy. The haftorah compares the final Redemption to the pact God made with Noah. Just as God promised to never bring a flood over the entire earth, so too He will never again be angry at the Jewish people. “For the mountains may move and the hills might collapse, but My kindness shall not depart from you, neither shall the covenant of My peace collapse.”We hope this Torah teaching blesses you in your spiritual understanding and growth! As we are solely supported by your Tzedakah, please consider supporting this ministry for the continued spread of Truth by giving a love offering here.
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Torah Parashah teaching with video and audio and illustrations by Rabbi Isaac. © Assembly of Called-Out Believers. Use by Permission.
Website: www.CalledOutBelievers.org.:
Hello from UK! Lots of people are very blessed by your teaching. Its very hard to hear what the people commenting are saying and you kindly answer their questions but the audience listening through the internet can’t understand the questions asked because the accent is hard for British could they be given a microphone if possible I hope its ok to comment if this is the best that can be done its better than anything we have in the UK. Thankyou
Yes I too have such a hard time hearing the comments from the audience. And I also appreciate the teachings.
Shalom Sister Heather and thank you for your comment and suggestion! We will try to incorporate better technology to allow the questions from the audience to be heard in the future. Thank you for your heart for truth and for sharing these humble teachings with others who you feel may be blessed in their spiritual growth!
Blessings and ahavah from the Assembly to you!
Shallom from South Africa*
Could you please provide more explination or clarity on Deut.24:16 (“The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, nor the children put to death for the fathers, but every man shall be put to death for his own sin.”…could not hear the commentry or discussions well…) – in line with Y’hshua?…In line with this verse it might seems that He contradicted Torrah, when He died for our sins?
Thank you*
Perhaps if every one who is impacted by the “comments” in your teachings would contribute some financial help, this wonderful
Teacher of Torah could afford to buy the necessary equipment so we could all hear the comments. Thank you so much Rabbai for you wonderful teachings. We, my husband and I, have been married 37 years and each of us has been Messianic for many more years before we met in “The Worldwide Church of God”.
Greetings and shalom from New Mexico
We have been following Issacs teachings and we love and appreciate the depth and the knowledge that he brings out in the Torah.
We have been very blessed by his teachings.
Larry and Velma