Teaching For Shabbat of March 23th, 2024
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Torah: Leviticus 1:1–5:26
Haftarah: Isaiah 43:21-44:23
Vayikra (וַיִּקְרָא)— Hebrew for “and He called,” the first word in the parsha) is the 24th weekly Torah portion in the annual cycle of Torah readings and the original name for the Book of Leviticus. The parsha lays out the laws of different sacrifices and offerings (קָרְבָּנוֹת, korbanot). It constitutes Leviticus 1:1–5:26

Parsha Vayikra Summary
Leviticus 1:1–5:26
God calls to Moses from the Tent of Meeting, and communicates to him the laws of the korbanot, the animal and meal offerings brought in the Sanctuary. These include:
• The “ascending burnt offering” (olah) that is wholly raised to God by the fire atop the altar;
• Five varieties of “meal offering” (minchah) prepared with fine flour, olive oil and frankincense; This represents God’s people as we are the wheat of Hashem’s harvest, and the frankincense symbolizes our prayerful communication which ascends as a fragrant aroma and the olive oil was the binder symbolizing the Spirit of Truth unifying all God’s people together!
• The “peace offering” (shelamim), whose meat was eaten by the one bringing the offering, after parts are burned on the altar and parts are given to the kohanim (priests); Through the ages, eating together has always been a symbol of peaceful relations and covenant between men and tribes.
• The different types of “sin offering” (chatat) brought to atone for transgressions committed erroneously by the high priest, the entire community, the king or the ordinary Jew; pointing to the Spotless Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the World!
• The “guilt offering” (asham) brought by one who has misappropriated property of the Sanctuary, who is in doubt as to whether he transgressed a divine prohibition, or who has committed a “betrayal against God” by swearing falsely to defraud a fellow man.
We will learn more about the additional “Heave” offering in next week’s parashah in Leviticus chapter 7
New D’var Torah Studies for Deeper Understanding…
For further Torah study on parashah “Vayikra” please enjoy the latest illustrated Dvar Torah video teaching below… Listen and learn from Rabbi Isaac as he takes your understanding to an even deeper level! Enjoy and be blessed!
Vayikra D’var Torah
Torah for your Children…
For simple cartoon summaries of the Torah parashah for your children we recommend the following videos below:
Isaiah 43:21-44:23
This week’s haftorah starts with a rebuke to the Israelites for abandoning the Temple‘s sacrificial service. Sacrifices are the dominant topic of the week’s Torah reading, too.
The prophet Isaiah rebukes the Israelites for turning away from God and refraining from offering sacrifices, turning to idolatry instead. God exhorts the people to return to Him, promising to forgive their transgressions, as is His wont.
The prophet then mentions the futility of serving empty idols which may be crafted by artisans but “neither see nor hear nor do they know…” The haftorah concludes with God’s plea to always remember Him and to return to Him.
We hope these weekly Torah teaching bless you in your spiritual understanding and growth! As we are solely supported by your Tzedakah charity, please consider supporting this ministry for the continued spread of Truth by giving a love offering here.
Also if you have a need for prayer, please write us and let us know how to pray for you and we feel privileged to be intercessors in prayer for all our worldwide family!
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Torah Parashah teaching with video and audio and illustrations by Rabbi Isaac. © Assembly of Called-Out Believers. Use by Permission.
Website: www.CalledOutBelievers.org
Thank you Rabbi Isaac for “Open (ing) my eyes that I might see wonders from Your (His) Torah)” Ps 119:18 and helping me to “understand that I might observe Your Torah and guard it with all my heart” v: 34 for “O how I love Your Torah! It is my study all day long” v: 97. Amen!
I would like to know which version of scripture you are using. I am trying to follow along, yet it she seems like some of what I read is different then what you are showing on screen.
So thankful my friend in Canada shared your site
Thank you Rabbi Isaac for you awesome teaching; the time is truly Now!