Trumah (תְּרוּמָה)— Hebrew for “gifted contribution” or uplifted “offering,” is the nineteenth weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and tells of God’s instructions to make the Tabernacle and its furnishings. The parashah constitutes Exodus 25:1–27:19.

Parsha T’rumah Summary
The people of Israel are called upon to contribute thirteen materials—gold, silver and copper; blue-, purple– and red-dyed wool; flax, goat hair, animal skins, wood, olive oil, spices and gems—out of which, G‑d says to Moses, “They shall make for Me a Sanctuary, and I shall dwell amidst them.”
On the summit of Mount Sinai, Moses is given detailed instructions on how to construct this dwelling for G‑d so that it could be readily dismantled, transported and reassembled as the people journeyed in the desert.
In the Sanctuary’s inner chamber, behind an artistically woven curtain, was the ark containing the tablets of testimony engraved with the Ten Commandments; on the ark’s cover stood two winged cherubim hammered out of pure gold. In the outer chamber stood the seven-branched menorah, and the table upon which the “showbread” was arranged.
The Sanctuary’s three walls were fitted together from 48 upright wooden boards, each of which was overlaid with gold and held up by a pair of silver foundation sockets. The roof was formed of three layers of coverings: (a) tapestries of multicolored wool and linen; (b) a covering made of goat hair; (c) a covering of ram and tachash skins. Across the front of the Sanctuary was an embroidered screen held up by five posts.
Surrounding the Sanctuary and the copper-plated altar which fronted it was an enclosure of linen hangings, supported by 60 wooden posts with silver hooks and trimmings, and reinforced by copper stakes.
The whole layout in this Parsha taking us from the starting with the ark in the Most Holy Place to the Outer Court with the Alter of Sacrifice and the Gateway (The Way) and back to Most Holy Place all symbolize different elements of the Messiah and reveals God’s plan of Salvation from the beginning…
The Way back to the Father is the Path we take from going through “The Way”, accepting the atoning sacrifice of the spotless lamb of God for our sins (Justification), which Justifies the Ungodly when accepted by faith (Justification by Faith), the Laver symbolizing our cleansing us as we seek to die to self and the false ego and cleansing our consciousness of the knowledge of sin. As we enter the Holy Place, we enter into the process of our spiritual growth and character development (Sanctification) realizing first the need for the Spirit of Truth which leads us into all truth (Isa. 8:20, Jn. 16:13; Jn. 17:17) and shines through us and makes us a menorah as a called-out believer (Rev. 1:20), secondly, the Spiritual bread symbolizing our need for the Torah instructions in how to love and draw near to God and our fellowman, and thirdly, the alter of incense with represents our need for righteous prayers to ascend as a fragrant aroma continually before the Holy One. Finally, after having Torah fully written upon our hearts and minds and fully transforming back into the selflessly loving image of God (Jer. 31:31-33) we can go through the veil and be “At-One” with the Father in holiness and purity in the Most Holy Place… us in Him and Him in Us!
We hope this Torah teaching and whiteboard bless you in your spiritual understanding and growth! As we are solely supported by your Tzedakah please consider supporting this ministry for the continued spread of Truth by giving your “T’rumah” freewill contribution here.
Torah Parsha teaching with video and audio and illustrations by Pastor Isaac. © 2017 Assembly of Called-Out Believers. Use by Permission.
One Comment
So incredible to hear the connections between kodesh(holy), the temple, cleansing, and the shma(hear and do)! Powerful stuff.