Eating Meat in the context of Life or Death

Many ask me to share my thoughts on eating meat in regards to what LEVITICUS 11 says, “And יהוה spoke to Moshe and to Aharon, saying to them, “Speak to the children of Yisra’ĕl, saying, ‘These are the living creatures which you do eat among all the beasts that are on the earth … ” and so I have written this short article sharing what Heavenly Father has revealed to me on the subject.


While it is permissible (at this time) to eat the clean animals listed in Lev. 11 to sustain life, we must understand that death is not a part the the Eternal One, blessed be He, and so I would suggest that it was only intended to sustain life in times where there was no other alternative (like you can’t grow a garden when migrating or if lacking pre-stocked provisions in winter) and thus because the life of man trumps all in Torah it would be allowed rather than starvation, but it was never intended to become the norm as the living foods described to Adam from the beginning are the best for life and health and spiritual growth. “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food.” (Gen. 1:29)

The History

As mentioned above, from Creation and before sin entered, there was no death, and thus no meat eating.  If we want to live by these eternal principles, understanding that everything is destined to return to the original principles after sin and death are done away with (after the Messianic Age), then we would do well to think and live in ways that connect us more to life than death, and seek that which comes from the Light rather than the Darkness.  The plant diet of herbs, greens and fruits that God designed our physical bodies for will elevate our Spiritual walk, as they are the collectors of the light of the sun through photosynthesis (the process by which they convert light energy to chemical energy in the form of healthy sugars) stored in the chlorophyll (the pigment fluid found in the thylakoid that absorbs light energy and uses it to produce carbohydrates) and chloroplast (the plant cell structure where photosynthesis occurs) of their cellular makeup transferring this light energy to us when we eat them.   Light is a life-giving and healing element and this is why we who desire to be sons of Light should eat only that which was designed to collect light for us as well as why Hippocrates said 2400 years ago, “Let food be thy medicine…” meaning we should all be aware of how our food affects our mental, physical and spiritual health, and thus adopt a natural diet as much as possible!

The Spiritual and Health Implications

It should be noted that red-meat acts as a stimulant to the body, transferring more animalistic elements in the human body and soul which is meant to be more spiritual with higher levels of Soul and ever transcending higher in connection to the Divine Creator in thought, word and deed.  Since the Creator tells us to seek life in all areas, we must realize that any connection to death was never intended.  The problem with eating animals is that they only have the lower nefesh level of the soul which is very much focused only on the lower instincts of fight or flight (fear based) and procreation which when transferred to us, increases our animalist sexual desires.

Academics from Oxford University published a study that found that consumption of meat at least three times a week was linked to a greater risk of 25 different illnesses in addition to different kinds of cancer as meat is carcinogenic as well as transfers unhealthy fats and uric acid leading to increased inflammation and unhealthy cholesterol levels and gout in addition to other ailments. 

Overall, it is important for each person who desires to glorify God to think about the balance of foods that make up a varied and healthy diet – plenty of whole grains, fruit and vegetables and limited amounts of foods high in saturated fat, salt and refined sugar.

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Torah Parashah teaching with video and audio and illustrations by Rabbi Isaac. © 2021 Assembly of Called-Out Believers. Use by Permission.



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