Tevilah and Mikvah During Biblical Times Tevilah is the Biblical act of immersing oneself in a natural living water source for ritual cleansing of sin and symbolizing death to the self-centered ego and rebirth to a new spiritual life of selfless love in harmony with the principles of God’s law of love – “Torah”. In…
(The following excerpts come from Rabbi Yitzchak’s book available at Amazon) Many may be surprised to find out that Yeshua kept the Written Law, the Oral Law and the traditions of Judaism as a Jewish Rabbi. Yeshua also taught his followers to do the same in Matt 23:3 saying, “All therefore, whatsoever, they [the Jewish…
Many coming back to Torah from other religions ask us, “Will there be sacrifices and offerings in the Millennial Kingdom?” This short article answers straight from scripture for you and for others who may have the same question.
God is Omniscient (all knowing), Omnipresent (everywhere at all times as He is Spirit) and Omnipotent (all powerful and unable to die)… Yeshua is not omniscient, omnipotent, nor omnipresent. Yeshua is a man and referred to himself as a “son of man”.
The Scriptures say that God has made a way for Gentiles to convert to the God of Israel and become a part of His people just like the example of the Egyptians, and Midianites who converted and stood with our fore-fathers receiving the covenant at Mount Sinai! If you are cannot say for sure that you are Israel, consider coming into covenant with the God of Israel and being grafted-in and experience the blessings of being apart of G-d’s people! Here is what the Bible says about being Grafted in…
As Yom Teruah nears (the Fall Feast that foreshadows Messiah’s coming on a future day of Trumpeting), we think about what it means to be ready for the Messiah as a Bride without spot or blemish… Join us in a beautiful journey of preparing as a Beautiful Bride!
Yom Teruah is the prophetic foreshadow of the coming of Messiah and the Marriage of the Lamb. This year we celebrate it starting the evening of the 25th after sundown. The ancient Jewish wedding is a custom that every believer should study and understand. Why? Because Yah Himself instituted and followed the steps of a…
A name reveals the character of the person and in this article we want to share why we believe the scriptures to reveal that Y’hoshua (Yeshua for short) is the true name of the Savior and promised son who came in his Father’s name and character as prophesied by David in Psalm 118:26!