Q & A

Leviticus 11 vs. Peter’s Vision about Unclean Animals in Acts 10

When it comes to God’s instructions on how to draw near to Him by being undefiled in our life we know that God is continually bringing us to live more sanctified and holy in our life (not less) and to be more purified as a bride without spot or blemish prepared to meet the bridegroom when he comes. Since God does not change and he has instructed us that eating unclean foods is not only defiling but also an abomination to him (Lev. 11), we cannot surmise that the revelation given to Peter is going to undermine God’s word which is established forever.

Why Sacrifices?

In light of this week’s Torah portion Vayikra, I thought I would post this question someone wrote us about the sacrificial system for you to meditate on… Question: Can I ask you why YHVH asks for sacrifices?  If he cannot change, how can he change this system of death He gave? Some say he did…

What does it mean to be Grafted into Israel?

The Scriptures say that God has made a way for Gentiles to convert to the God of Israel and become a part of His people just like the example of the Egyptians, and Midianites who converted and stood with our fore-fathers receiving the covenant at Mount Sinai!  If you are cannot say for sure that you are Israel, consider coming into covenant with the God of Israel and being grafted-in and experience the blessings of being apart of G-d’s people!  Here is what the Bible says about being Grafted in…