Posts from June 2024

the process of persecution

The Process of Persecution

Just like we see in Korach’s rebellion this week and in Satan’s rebellion from the beginning, there is a Process of Persecution that comes from the Enemy through different individuals to attack and slander God’s People still today! Learn the detailed process the Enemy uses by reading more here…


The Importance and Beauty of Tzitzit

This week’s Torah portion of Shelach L’kha introduces a very practical commandment still applicable for us still today! In Torah parashah Sh’lach Lecha, after seeing that God’s people were having difficulty remembering and guarding God’s commandments, and thereby losing their intended blessing, we see an introduction to the principle of wearing a “reminder tassel” called a…

Tevilah and Mikvah

Tevilah and Mikvah During Biblical Times Tevilah is the Biblical act of immersing oneself in a natural living water source for ritual cleansing of sin and symbolizing death to the self-centered ego and rebirth to a new spiritual life of selfless love in harmony with the principles of God’s law of love – “Torah”. In…

Yeshua and the Oral Torah

(The following excerpts come from Rabbi Yitzchak’s book available at Amazon) Many may be surprised to find out that Yeshua kept the Written Law, the Oral Law and the traditions of Judaism as a Jewish Rabbi.  Yeshua also taught his followers to do the same in Matt 23:3 saying, “All therefore, whatsoever, they [the Jewish…