Many coming back to Torah from other religions ask us, “Will there be sacrifices and offerings in the Millennial Kingdom?” This short article answers straight from scripture for you and for others who may have the same question.
Many coming back to Torah from other religions ask us, “Will there be sacrifices and offerings in the Millennial Kingdom?” This short article answers straight from scripture for you and for others who may have the same question.
A question often arises with sincere truth seekers who are not Jewish, “Is Purim a Biblical holiday?” The short answer is yes… Learn why Celebrating Purim is for Everyone!
In light of this week’s Torah portion Vayikra, I thought I would post this question someone wrote us about the sacrificial system for you to meditate on… Question: Can I ask you why YHVH asks for sacrifices? If he cannot change, how can he change this system of death He gave? Some say he did…
I originally wrote this article when I was in Ireland reaching out to the descendants of Israel there and having found new evidence to support that Patrick was not Catholic but a Torah observant believer! What many do not realize is that the first few centuries the church was still messianic and focused on reaching out to the lost sheep of the house of Israel much as Y’hoshua instructed and we are doing through the Assembly of Called-Out Believers and the Commonwealth of Israel organizations!
Hashem’s 13 attributes of Mercy are great to meditate on and it is said that Yeshua reflected them perfectly. The Thirteen Attributes of Mercy (י״ג מִידּוֹת) or Shelosh-‘Esreh Middot HaRakhamim (transliterated from the Hebrew: שְׁלוֹשׁ־עֶשְׂרֵה מִידּוֹת הַרַחֲמִים) as enumerated in the Book of Exodus (Exodus 34:6–7) in Parasha Ki Tissa are the Divine Attributes with…