'prophecy' tagged posts

The UN General Assembly just backed a Palestinian State bid for membership paving the way for future Prophetic fulfillment!

Today the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution with 143 votes in favor and nine against – including the U.S. and Israel… which is a hugh step toward further prophetic fulfillment in the near future! The resolution “determines that the State of Palestine… should therefore be admitted to membership” and it “recommends that the Security Council reconsider the matter favorably.”

What is Really behind the Russia Ukraine crisis?

I would like to share a few thoughts on recent events to bring to light some things that some of you may be unaware of going on behind the scenes of the world stage. I am not political and do I want to offend anyone with political leanings to one side or the other but simply want to give you some food for thought as God want us to be wise and aware of the agendas of the Enemy against us and others…

The Mark of the Beast is Coming Quickly Upon Us!

The Foundation for the Mark Has Just Been Laid!! The United Kingdom’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson and President Macron of France this last week both tried to enforce mandatory vaccine passports, and both suggested similar “punishments” for not having the vaccine passport. Prime Minister Johnson said you will not be able to buy or sell…

Palestinians Win Votes to Lead Major UN Group

Palestinians are set to lead the Group of 77, a coalition of developing states within the UN system. The Palestinian chairmanship was backed by the majority of UN member states, lending further credence to charges that the UN is structurally biased against Israel.