Q & A (Page 2)

What or Who are the ‘Synagogue of Satan’?

Many people ask who or what are the “synogogue of satan” mentioned in the Book of Revelation, as they get a wrong impression of Jews from a statement made in the Book of Revelation chapter 2 verse 9 where it mentions a certain phrase that was understood 2000 years ago in the first Century persecution that is no longer understood today by readers without the cultural context of 2000 years ago and thus it causes  many misunderstandings!

Yom Kippur

Do we observe the Yom Kippur fast on Shabbat?

Question: Since it is forbidden to fast on Shabbat, do we fast on Yom Kippur if it falls on Shabbat? Answer: We do fast when Yom Kippur coincides with Shabbat (this being one of the differences between Yom Kippur and other fasts). Since Yom Kippur is a biblical fast, and the Torah calls it “Shabbat Shabbaton” – the Shabbat of Shabbats – this implies that it takes precedence over Shabbat.…