A name reveals the character of the person and in this article I want to share why I believe Y’hoshua is the true name of the Savior and son who came in his Father’s name and character as prophesied by David in Psalm 118:26!
Many sincere truth-seekers may not realize that the original name of the savior was what today we would call Joshua not “Jesus”, but in ancient times Joshua was pronounced Y’hoshua (יהושוע), and sometimes shortened to Yeshua, as there was no “J” sound in Hebrew. The “J” with its “J” sound didn’t come into the English language until about 400 years ago. In fact, the “J” isn’t even found in the original 1611 King James version.
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that the Savior’s name never was “Jesus” and that the name “Jesus” is actually an invention of man and personifies a substitute name and person who many Christians believe did away with God’s Torah instead of the true Y’hoshua who not only came in the “name” of YHVH but was an example of perfect Torah observance!
Psalms 118:26 says, “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the YHVH… (יְהוָה)” and we found in this last Shabbat’s Haftarah reading from Zechariah 3 that Zechariah had a vision of the High-Priest in the Heavenly Temple named Y’hoshua who after atoning for the sins of the people was given new clean royal garments – (an apt picture of the Savior’s High-Priestly ministry at the right hand of the Father after his ascension!), and that name יְהוֹשֻׁעַ was spelled with the Father’s name יְה just as David prophecied it would be!

Historically, it is important to note that in all of the 3500 year history of Israel there has never been born a child in Israel named Jesus….
In the King James Version of the scriptures, we find an interesting problem in its translation:
Acts 7:44(KJV) Our fathers had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness, as he had appointed, speaking unto Moses, that he should make it according to the fashion that he had seen. 45 Which also our fathers that came after brought in with Jesus into the possession of the Gentiles, whom God drave out before the face of our fathers, unto the days of David;
Isn’t this scripture referring to Y’hoshua (Joshua), son of Nun rather than the Savior? Yes. Here is another instance…
Heb. 4:7 (KJV) Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. 8 For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.
Again, the context reveals that this scripture is referring to Y’hoshua (Joshua), the son of Nun and not the Savior. All other translations put “Joshua” here. Why then is it translated ‘Jesus’? The answer lies in the Greek/Latin corruption of the Messiah’s original Hebrew name. Originally, the name of the Savior was , pronounced Yahoshua. This is the Savior’s original name. When the Gentiles tried to transliterate His name into Greek, they came up with ihsoun or “Iesous”. But originally, this word was from #3091 in the Hebrew which is Y’hoshua (יְהוֹשֻׁעַ). When Iesous was transliterated into Latin, it became “Iesus”, which sounds like “hail zeus” in the Greek and Latin, and was then carried over into English it became our modern day “Jesus” when the letter “J” developed.

Therefore, the reason the King James Version has “Jesus” in those two verses is because the Savior’s name is actually the same name as Joshua, Son of Nun… correctly pronounced “Yahoshua” meaning “Yah’s salvation”.
It is quite evident that the modern form “Jesus” doesn’t even remotely resemble the original name that the disciples were praying in, baptizing in and receiving so much criticism for preaching in. This is fact. Do some research and see for yourself.
Encyclopedia Britannica (15th ed.) discloses the Greek origins of the name Jesus:
In the Septuagint it is the customary Greek form for the common Hebrew name Joshua;” (Vol. 10 p.149)
Word studies in the New Testament, by Marvin R. Vincent admits:
“Jesus. The Greek form of a Hebrew name, which had been borne by two illustrious individuals in former periods of the Jewish History — Joshua, the successor of Moses, and Jeshua, the high priest, who with Zerubbabel took so active a part in the re-establishment of the civil and religious polity of the Jews in their return from Babylon. Its original and full form is Yehoshua, becoming by contraction Yoshua or Yeshua.”
The Acts of the Apostles, by Jackson and Lake says,
“Jesus— This is the regular Greek translation of the Hebrew Joshua.”
A dictionary of the Bible, by James Hastings
“Jesus — The Greek form of the name Joshua or Jeshua. Jeshua —- Yah is Salvation or Yahweh is opulence.”
Alford’s Greek New Testament, An Exegetical and Critical Commentary:
“Jesus — The same name as Joshua, the former deliverer of Israel.”
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Religion:
“Jesus (The Name) — Matthew’s gospel explains it as symbolic of His mission, ‘For he will save His people from their sins.’ This agrees with the popular meaning as ‘Yahweh saves…’ ” p.1886
Catholic Encyclopedia:
“The Sacred Name —- The word Jesus is the Latin form of the Greek “Iesous” which in turn is the transliteration of the Hebrew Jeshua, or Joshua, or again Yehoshua, meaning ‘Yah is Salvation’ ” Vol. 8, p. 374

“Jesus comes from ‘Isous’ which in greek meant ‘hail Zeus’… unfortunately Jesus does not mean He shall save… but the name Y’hoshua in Hebrew means “Yah is salvation”!
Other Commentary (on Matthew 1:21)
“Jesus is not the same name as Joshua, the termination being changed, for the sake of conforming it to the greek.”
It can be concluded then, that “Jesus” was not the Messiah’s name when He walked the earth… and as those who seek to truly know him we should call him by his real name. Yahoshua.

We hope this study is a blessing in your understanding and reveals the importance of returning to the pure language of Hebrew as Zephaniah 3:9 says!

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Study by Rabbi Isaac. © 2022 Assembly of Called-Out Believers.
Website: CalledOutBelievers.org. Use by Permission
Dear Rabbi Isaac
My husband and I live in Melbourne, Australia. We love to watch your video teachings. I have a question. Earlier in this article you say the Saviour’s Name is Yahushua, then later you say “The Messiah’s name is Yahusha. Translated it means Yahuah Is Salvation..”.
I believe the latter is correct. I am no Hebrew expert. But shua means ‘crying’ or ‘to level’. Yasha is the verb for ‘deliver’ or ‘save’. The additional vav between letters Shin and Ayin to make it ‘shua’ does not make sense. The root is Yasha (Yah saves). The prefix sha means ‘salvation’. Put together Yahu+Sha = Yahusha. i.e. Yah is Salvation or Salvation of Yahuah seems more accurate than Yahushua which sounds like “Yah is crying”.
I would love to hear your thoughts..
Sandya Fowler
Thank you for your comment Sandya… shalom and blessings from the Assembly to you and your husband! We are so happy you found us! In answer to your question, we personally try to pronounce the Saviour’s name as they did in hebrew in ancient times which was Y’hoshua (pronounced Yahoshua) which means Yah’s salvation. You can see the original name in hebrew in Joshua 1:1 at https://www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0601.htm written in Hebrew as יְהוֹשֻׁעַ
I’ve been learning a lot about the Saviour, and I agree that the Father still wants us to obey His commandments. I was just curious if you believe that the Saviour died for our sins or not. Hopefully this isn’t a dumb question, I was just curious
Thank you Jake for your sincere heart for truth! There are no dumb questions! There are two texts that come immediately to mind in regards to this… one in the Torah and a double witness saying the same thing in the Prophets…
Deuteronomy 24:16
“Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.”
Ezekiel 18:20
“The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.”
You may now be asking yourself, why then did Yeshua die on the cross? This is an incredibly valid question to ask for many Christians. There are many political reasons as to why He died on the cross. Yeshua died because he had offended those in power, challenged the status quo and refused to step aside. Yeshua knew what He was doing, and that His actions would ultimately cause His death. He knew He was being viewed as a threat from the government at the time and predicted how His crucifixion would take place. As John 15:13 states, however, “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Yeshua died on the cross to show us what love truly looks like in action. God is love, and the most important lesson that Yeshua teaches us is that when we act in unloving ways, we distance ourselves from God. Sin is what takes us further away from God, and those actions are void of love. The way Yeshua led His life here one earth, He was able to show great examples of what love looks like… with the greatest revelation of selfless love in living selflessly and laying down his life selflessly!
Hope this helps!
My question is that why the name of our almighty creator Yahweh and the name of His son our savior to change from Yah-Ye…why do we change the element?
You see it in Hebrew as the Holy Name of the Creator is spelled in Hebrew יהוה which equates to the English sounds YHVH (not pronounced Yahweh). King David often used the short form of יה (YaH) and we see the implement of YaH’s salvation in Y’hoshua’s name in that he also has his Father’s name in the first two letters of his name יְהוֹשׁ֫וּעַ meaning “Yah is salvation”…
Hope this helps… to learn more about the Holy Name you can check out my video at https://youtu.be/dbb45zmkli4
Blessings and Shalom in YHVH!
Shalom Sandya,
I agree 100% with you. Its funny, I will see in assemblies how they will pronounce our messiah’s name and everytime I happen to look at their banner, its spelled in the Hebrew, Yahusha!
Glad to see you posted.
Todah Rabah Rabbi Yitzchak, Your teachings are a true Blessing, I will send this to friends and family and pray they accept the truth and embrace Yahshua and the Gift of our Abba’s Blessed Torah, Baruch ata Adonai, Berakhah Ve’Tova Achi Yitzchak
I am new to the study of hebrew and word meanings but so far it has been very enlightening. using the proper name is always difficult when you have a lifetime of learned behaviour to overcome, but I am working on it .
hai brother, your messages are very interesting and helpful! Thank you for teaching us Torah!by Binu from Sharjah UAE