Posts by Rabbi Isaac (Page 6)

God's 12 Step Wedding Plan

Yom Teruah and God’s 12 Step Wedding Plan

Yom Teruah is the prophetic foreshadow of the coming of Messiah and the Marriage of the Lamb.  This year we celebrate it starting the evening of the 25th after sundown.  The ancient Jewish wedding is a custom that every believer should study and understand. Why? Because Yah Himself instituted and followed the steps of a…

Maimonides’ 13 Principles of Jewish Faith

For those who are interested in understanding their Jewish brothers and our Jewish faith, we thought it worthy of familiarizing you with the 13 Foundational Principles of Judaism. These thirteen Principles compiled by Maimonides outline Judaism’s tenets, which one must acknowledge as truths in order to be considered a Jew, and to partake in the World…

What or Who are the ‘Synagogue of Satan’?

Many people ask who or what are the “synogogue of satan” mentioned in the Book of Revelation, as they get a wrong impression of Jews from a statement made in the Book of Revelation chapter 2 verse 9 where it mentions a certain phrase that was understood 2000 years ago in the first Century persecution that is no longer understood today by readers without the cultural context of 2000 years ago and thus it causes  many misunderstandings!