Please enjoy our enlightening Topical studies below!

Scriptural tests of a Prophet

The Scriptural Tests of a true Prophet… and how to Identify the False!

With all the recent “self-proclaimed” prophets and people with “messages from God” in different movements and on the internet and YouTube it is important for God’s people to use scriptural discernment and not be deceived.  The following eight tests of a true prophet we hope will help you not be swayed by every passing wind of false doctrine and misleading teachings based in speculation, originating in false “spirit” filled individuals and coming from various man-made religions.

Hanukkah and the Great Miracle that Happened on it!

Christmas is soon approaching—the season when much of the world erroneously celebrates the miracle birth of Yeshua (known to the Christian world as Jesus)… However, the great miracle of the Word made flesh did not begin with the birth but with the conception of Yeshua… and another celebration remembering the dedication of the Temple of Yah… Hanukkah!

affirmative prayer

Learning Affirmative Prayer

Bereishit 25:21 tells us that Yitzchak prayed for Rivka because she was barren and God accepted his prayer.  One of the traits that distinguishes Yitzchak is his perseverance in affirmative prayer for a full twenty years… Yitzchak never stops believing and never gives up on her, but rather continues to pray until Hashem gives him children through her! Affirmative prayer is the same…